2014-09-02 06:29Pressmeddelande

Haro Hosts European Conference of the Family 2014


On October 9-10, the Swedish family organization Haro hosts European Conference of the Family 2014 in Stockholm, Sweden, in observance of the 20th anniversary of the Year of the Family, established by the UN.

A few questions to Ingvild Segersam, Chairman, Swedish National Organization Haro:

Why does Haro organize this conference?

2014 is the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family, and we want to highlight the importance of family for society as a whole, and childrens' need for close relationships for healthy development. Few initiatives have been taken in Europe on account of the anniversary celebrated this year, and we felt that we wanted to contribute in some way to put focus on these issues.

The UN Focal Point on the Family will also send a message to our Conference participants.

Invitation and information about the conference:

European Conference of the Family 2014
2014 is the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Year of the Family. The Swedish family organization Haro hosts a highly focused event in Stockholm, Sweden on October 9-10 – European Conference of the Family 2014 – EU-FAM 2014.

Families – do they get enough support in Europe?
A key issue in European family policies is the role of women participation in the work force and daycare for children, often called work-family balance. Does the European family, as the key institution for raising healthy children, survive these policies?

Sweden has pioneered a development with more women in the work force and more children in daycare. Is it a good development? What are the effects? What does science know about the needs of children in order to grow to their full potential? The EU-FAM 2014 attempts to shed some light on these key issues for family policies and human development in the future in Europe.

EU-FAM 2014 Part 1 – Pre-conference seminar October 9th 2014

The Science of Emotion – Why family matters
Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Vancouver, Canada

Internationally acclaimed developmental psychologist and best-selling author, Dr. Gordon Neufeld from Vancouver, Canada, presents the basic behind a healthy child development and the role of family:

New revelations about the nature of emotion, including the role that emotion plays in healthy development and functioning, have shed fresh light on the significance of family as a context for raising a child. While it is true that families don’t always work, it appears to be equally true that only families can provide what is necessary to bring a child to his or her full human potential. In this day-long seminar, Dr. Neufeld distills the current scientific knowledge on emotion to three basic laws and discusses the implications of each of these laws for raising children.

EU-FAM 2014 Part 2 – The actual conference, October 10th 2014

European Conference of the Family 2014 – in honour of the 20th anniversary of the UN Year of the Family

Dr. Gordon Neufeld, The Neufeld Institute, Vancouver, Canada
"Why Children Need Families to Flourish"

Professor Ulla Waldenström, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
"Are children in Swedish daycare doing okay?"

Ole Henrik Hansen, Assistant Professor PhD, Aarhus University
"Early Childhood in the Nordic Countries"

Mona Sandbæk, Professor ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus
"Supporting parents, in the best interest of the child"

There will also be time for questions and discussion.

Date, venue and enrollment

EU-FAM 2014 pre-conference seminar, Thursday October 9th, 2014, 9.00-16.30
at Högloftet, Skansen in Stockholm, Sweden.
Price: 1400 SEK including coffee-lunch-coffee

EU-FAM 2014 Conference Friday October 10th, 2014, 9.00-17.00
at Högloftet, Skansen in Stockholm, Sweden.
Price: 1600 SEK including coffee-lunch-coffee

SPECIAL price for attending both events: 2650 SEK including coffee-lunch-coffee both days

Högloftet is a beautiful traditional venue at the children's fair Skansen in Stockholm City, a great surrounding for a conference on family.

ENROLL NOW at this link: http://www.haro.se/eu-fam2014-enrollment

WEB INFO – find this info on the Haro web site, http://www.haro.se/eu-fam2014/

For more information contact us at: info@haro.se
or call Haro chair Ingvild Segersam: +46 734-45 95 96
or project manager Jonas Himmelstrand: +46 18-10 23 30

DR. GORDON NEUFELD. More information about other events with Dr. Neufeld in Sweden can be found here: http://www.strategier.se/neufeld_sweden_2014.html

Konferensen hålls helt på engelska, kontakta oss vid behov tolkning.


Welcome to this key 2014 conference
for the future of families in Europe:
European Conference of the Family 2014

Arranged by:
Haro - Empowering Parents and Promoting Gender Equality with the Child in Focus
Box 737, SE-114 79 Stockholm, Sweden.
www.haro.se * seminariet@haro.se

Haro is Sweden's leading women's organisation with a critical perspective on Swedish family policies.

Om Haro - Hemmaföräldrars Riksorganisation

Haro arbetar för att värdesätta och säkra föräldrarnas ansvar för sina barn och öka respekten för familjers val av barnomsorg, inklusive den egna familjens omsorg. Både jämställdhet och barnens trygghet stärks om föräldrarna får lov att fullt ut ansvara för vilken omsorg barnen behöver. Haro är en ideell demokratisk organisation som arbetar opinionsbildande både nationellt och internationellt.


Madeleine Wallin
Styrelseledamot (internationella relationer)
Madeleine Wallin
Ingvild Segersam
Ingvild Segersam