Rebecca Walker from the USA, author, lecturer, original leader and founder of Third Wave Feminism, will hold a seminar at Nordic Forum 2014 in Malmö, Sweden, invited by two parental organizations, Haro from Sweden and SAMFO from Denmark.
Title: Motherhood
Time: Sunday June 15th, 9.00-11.00
Hooks, Nordiskt forum 2014, in Malmö, Sweden
Seminar language: English
Rebecca Walker introduces her seminar in the following way:
Motherhood can be one of the most enriching and formative experiences of a woman’s life, and one of the most challenging. Changing political policies, shifting personal relationships, a morphing extended family model, and access to healthy food and reliable healthcare are just a few of the many elements that shape a woman’s ability to manifest both a gifted child and a fulfilled self.
Alas, contemporary feminism has not always been kind to women who prioritize having children, and theorists and politicians often highlight the burdens of motherhood rather than the tremendous opportunity for personal growth and fulfillment it can provide. The discussion often skews toward a more academic and political discussion of basic needs and rights, but remains skeptical of women who make the decision to have children from a place of longing and love, personal growth and satisfaction.
Today we talk about the importance of crafting a complex feminist narrative around motherhood that acknowledges the political necessity for rights and protections for mothers, children, and families, but also recognizes and celebrates the powerful urge and potential for personal growth and maturation motherhood can provide. Today we talk about the importance of honoring both choices, and why supporting both decisions—to have a child or not---leads to a more cohesive and productive society.
For information concerning tickets, see Nordic Forum's website.
Haro is Sweden's leading women organization with a critical perspective on Swedish family policies.
Haro arbetar för att värdesätta och säkra föräldrarnas ansvar för sina barn och öka respekten för familjers val av barnomsorg, inklusive den egna familjens omsorg. Både jämställdhet och barnens trygghet stärks om föräldrarna får lov att fullt ut ansvara för vilken omsorg barnen behöver. Haro är en ideell demokratisk organisation som arbetar opinionsbildande både nationellt och internationellt.