2014-12-16 06:59Pressmeddelande

Strong voices for the family at European conference - now on YouTube


Several of the presentations from European Conference of the Family 2014 in Stockholm, hosted by the Swedish family organization Haro, are now available on YouTube. The conference highlighted the central role of the family for the development and emotional wellbeing of children, and presented many strong reasons for supporting and strengthening families.

You can view the different presentations at the links below:

Dr Gordon Neufeld, Kanada: "Why Children Need Families to Flourish"

Professor Mona Sandbaek, Norge: "Supporting Parents, in the best interest of the Child"

Mr Jonas Himmelstrand, Åland, Swedish Neufeld Institute: "Family developments in Sweden"

Concluding questions with the speakers above.

You will find other interesting presentations from various Haro seminars on Haro's YouTube channel. Just go to Haro's pressroom and scroll down to "Haro på YouTube". We have two seminars in English, one by Dr Gordon Neufeld, and one by Rebecca Walker.

Haro is Sweden's leading women's organization with a critical perspective on Swedish family policies.

Om Haro - Hemmaföräldrars Riksorganisation

Haro arbetar för att värdesätta och säkra föräldrarnas ansvar för sina barn och öka respekten för familjers val av barnomsorg, inklusive den egna familjens omsorg. Både jämställdhet och barnens trygghet stärks om föräldrarna får lov att fullt ut ansvara för vilken omsorg barnen behöver. Haro är en ideell demokratisk organisation som arbetar opinionsbildande både nationellt och internationellt.


Madeleine Wallin
Styrelseledamot (internationella relationer)
Madeleine Wallin
Ingvild Segersam
Ingvild Segersam